Ft. Worth, TX – July 6, 2017 – The World Conformation Horse Association is pleased to announce that it will award two new $1000 youth scholarships for the fall semester of 2017.
Through the generosity of WCHA Founding and Life members, two scholarships will be awarded this fall. Applicants must be a youth or non-pro member of the WCHA, must be a graduating high school senior or apply within two years of graduation. Further, students must maintain full time status (typically 12 credit hours/semester) while enrolled in the scholarship program. Applicants must be a current WCHA member and maintain membership every year while in the Scholarship program. Applicants cannot be a direct relation or child of an Officer, Director or Executive Committee Member of WCHA.
The WCHA has created a charitable Foundation, which in addition to the scholarship program, recently provided lapel pins to all WCHA approved judges in recognition of their commitment to maintaining the Association’s mission of promoting good conformation and form to function.
For more information and scholarship applications and instructions, visit www.conformationhorse.com/youth. Application deadline for the fall semester is August 31.
The World Conformation Horse Association is an organization which promotes and stimulates interest by providing competitive opportunities for enthusiasts of the conformation horse. The Association is committed to protecting, preserving and promoting the conformation standard of the horse and constantly pursuing growth in the industry.

Barbara Linke, Administrative Consultant