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Promoting good conformation, soundness and athletic ability in all stock horse breeds!


Can I become a member now?


The WCHA is offering, for a limited time, founding memberships only for a fee of $500. These funds will be used as the start up capital for the association. Founding memberships will be converted to Founding Lifetime Membership after the WCHA has been incorporated and membership certificates will be issued. Founding Memberships will

Can I become a member now?2015-02-21T14:38:02-05:00

What if I don’t want to invest now?


Regular, non pro and youth memberships will become available after October 17. Fees will be $50 for regular, $40 for non pro and $25 for youth.

What if I don’t want to invest now?2015-02-21T14:37:48-05:00

If I join, how do I get on a committee?


Just let members of the WCHA steering committee know you’re interested or call 817-443-0686. Current committees include governance, events, competition and promotion. We will try to keep committee numbers to a reasonable level in order to ensure effective decision making, so if you are not invited to participate, don’t fret. Members will be

If I join, how do I get on a committee?2015-02-21T14:41:22-05:00

Who does the WCHA consider to be non pro and what about the spouses of trainers?


Again, this is an issue the group will address, but rest assured, the WCHA is aware of the importance of the non-pro or amateur exhibitor to the growth of the industry, as well as in providing opportunities for all level of exhibitors. Like other organizations and sports in the horse industry, the WCHA

Who does the WCHA consider to be non pro and what about the spouses of trainers?2015-02-21T14:43:36-05:00
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