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Promoting good conformation, soundness and athletic ability in all stock horse breeds!


Does the WCHA represent American Quarter Horses only?


All breeds are welcome to be a part of this effort. While the initial focus is on stock horse breeds, i.e. Quarter Horses, Paints, Appaloosas, Palominos, etc., we believe the educational efforts of the WCHA will apply to any breed of horse, large or small.

Does the WCHA represent American Quarter Horses only?2015-02-21T14:34:18-05:00

Will the WCHA come up with its definition of the ideal conformation horse?


The WCHA has formed a task force to address that question in the near future and again, will work to develop positive consensus that takes the welfare of the horse into consideration, as well as a number of other factors that contribute to the breeding and development of well-conformed horses.

Will the WCHA come up with its definition of the ideal conformation horse?2015-02-21T14:42:35-05:00

Is this an effort to break away from the American Quarter Horse Association?


Absolutely not. This effort mirrors what is already taking place with other AQHA alliance partners, like NCHA, NRHA and NSBA. WCHA hopes to become a valued partner with AQHA in providing it with the same level of cooperation and assistance its other affiliate groups do.

Is this an effort to break away from the American Quarter Horse Association?2015-02-21T14:46:21-05:00

Will the WCHA register horses?


That is not in our plans. We do realize, however, that as competition grows we may need to develop a database of horses in order to retain a competition record, but we plan to leave the registering of horses with the experts . . . the breed associations.

Will the WCHA register horses?2017-11-23T10:16:55-05:00
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