WCHA Breeders’ Futurity FAQ
To give stallion owners and futurity participants a better understanding of both the WCHA Breeders’ Futurity and the Big Money Futurity programs, and how they differ, some of the most frequently asked questions are listed below:
- If I nominate my stallion this year are his weanlings and yearlings eligible to compete this year?The answer is YES !!! Both the WCHA and Big Money futurities are year-to-year programs meaning that stallion nomination monies are distributed the SAME year they are received… so even though a stallion might not have been nominated the previous year his yearlings and two year olds become eligible to compete this year just as his weanlings. Furthermore, stallions must be nominated each year so that offspring remain eligible each year.
- What is the amount of stallion nomination fees?For the WCHA Breeder’s Futurity we reduced the fee to a flat rate of $1,000. For the Big Money the stallion nomination fee is $1500. Ask about payment plans !!
- Are there “nomination fees” for the weanlings, yearlings, two year and older horses for eligibility to compete in WCHA events ?Yes. See Nomination Forms for each age on WCHA Breeder’s Futurity Page. OFFSPRING OF NOMINATED STALLIONS MUST BE NOMINATED EACH AND EVERY YEAR TO “REMAIN” ELIGIBLE TO COMPETE AS YEARLINGS, TWO YR OLDS AND OLDER even if the horse did not compete as a weanling. We strive to keep our nomination fees affordable and not penalize heavily if a payment option was missed. First option to nominate a horse is only $100 in the early bird discount rate and increase gradually for each month you’ve forgotten to nominate.
- Why does the WCHA Breeder’s Futurity have open and non pro exhibitors competing in the same class? The WCHA program has always been geared to provide incentives for non pro’s to excel and this is one of them, if an entry is shown by a non pro they then have opportunity to earn monies in both the non pro and the open division. In contrast, if an entry is shown by an open exhibitor that horse earns money in only the “open” division. This is the primary reason 90% of the entries in the WCHA Breeder’s Futurity are shown by non pro exhibitors and with our “flat rate” entry fee the open class is included in the non pro fee at no extra charges!!
- Can I just enter the non pro portion of the futurity?No, non pro’s are required to enter the open portion of each futurity class, HOWEVER we offer a FLAT RATE entry fee where Intermediate Non Pro’s and Regular Non Pro’s pay one fee and their open classes are “free”. The open and non pro classes are run concurrent with each other, the Intermediate weanling classes are run separately to showcase these competitors.
- Who qualifies as non pro exhibitors?Anyone holding an amateur or youth membership card with APHA, ApHC, AQHA, ABRA, PHBA, ARHA who have not received commissions for horse sales or judged in any capacity. See complete set of rules for non pro qualification on membership form.
- Who qualifies as an Intermediate Non Pro exhibitor?Any Non Pro who has not won a World or Reserve World Title in AQHA (level 3) APHA or ApHC competition. Immediate family members of WCHA judges and trainers are prohibited from competing in the Intermediate Non Pro division.
- Can open exhibitors compete in the BIG MONEY futurity?No, the Big Money is non pro exhibitors only. Youth or Amateur.
- Do I have to be a member of WCHA to compete?Yes, a membership is required for both the exhibitor and the owner of the horse to participate within the WCHA Breeders Futurity and also the Big Money.
- Explain the color divisions within the WCHA Breeders and the Big Money Futurity.Horses with APHA, ApHC, PHBA, ABRA or ARHA registration papers can compete in the WCHA Breeders and Big Money Futurity Color Division. 100 % of Color Class Entry Fees are added back to the color purses plus 100% of color nominations.
- What is the OBE or Owner-Breeder-Exhibitor Division and who is eligible?This division recognizes those “exhibitors that raise and show their own”. The current owner must have bred the dam of the horse being entered and be shown by a family member.
- Are weanlings split into junior and senior divisions and if so what is the split date?Yes, the weanlings are split, the split date is March 1, foals born March 1 and later are in the junior division.
- Please Read Complete Set Of Rules In Breeder’s Futurity Entry Packet and Big Money Entry Form Rules, all your questions that you might have are covered in each futurity’s rules and conditions.
Forms can be found on this website or email touchdownkid95@gmail.com or contact the Futurity Coordinator – Don Falcon: 480-229-9767.