Occupation: Professional Trainer
Cards held: AQHA, WCHA
Shows Judged:
Multiple AQHA and APHA World Championship shows
The All American Quarter Horse Congress
Jerry Wells Inaugural Futurity
Several State Futurities
WCHA Classes at the AQHA Regional Show
AQHA Shows
Activities & Accomplishments:
I have shown and prepared many World Champions, Select World Champions, Amateur World Champions, Youth World Champions, Congress Champions. I am active in educating many Judging teams, at both the 4-H and College Level. I have put on many clinics to educate showmen and help to prepare them for the show ring.
Ferris State University, BS Business Management
Contact Info:
Tom Robertson
5554 Saline Ann Arbor Rd.
Saline, MI 48176
Cell: (734) 216-0252
Email: trqh@earthlink.net or mary@maryrobertson.com
Website: www.tomrobertsonquarterhorses.com