VERY COOL Named “All Time Leading Sire” Of WCHA Events and MY INTENTION Named “Leading Money Earning Stallion of 2017” !!
Ft. Worth, TX – January 19, 2018 – As an association representing halter horse breeders and exhibitors we continue to look for ways to better serve our membership and to make it more advantageous for stallion owners to participate in our program. We feel providing meaningful statistics will be a valuable tool for stallion owners, mare owners, exhibitors and will be of interest to our membership.
WCHA has contracted with the highly respected Robin Glenn Pedigrees to track money earned by “Nominated Stallions” of all WCHA sponsored events. If a stallion is nominated into one or both of the WCHA and Big Money futurity programs we’ll track monies earned within the various WCHA sponsored events. Events such as the WCHA Breeders Championship Futurity, the Big Money Futurity (starting when WCHA took over management of BM in 2016), the Yellow Rose, the Jerry Wells, the OBE classes at the AQHA and APHA world shows, etc. etc. (If an event was sponsored by, or had WCHA approval, those monies paid out are included in the stallion earning statistics.)
The All Time “Leader” statistics started with our first event in 2009. We “lead” our horses so these statistics will be named “Leader Board Stats”. At some point we will likely add mare statistics and exhibitor earnings.
We congratulate Fossil Gate Farm’s Linda and Gary Gordon for their stallion VERY COOL’s accomplishments in being the “current” All Time Leading Money Earning Sire. These totals will be re-tabulated each year so it will be interesting which stallion is at the top of the “Leader Board” next year !!
CLICK HERE to see the complete Leading Halter Sires list.

And congratulations to Jim and Georgia Snow and their stallion MY INTENTION for being the Leading Money Earning Stallion for 2017.
CLICK HERE to see the complete 2017 Leading Money Earning Sires list.